Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bubbles Pees on The Vet's Floor, and the Table, and in the Vet's Hand.

"Today we will go to the vet.  We're going in the car.  Not the groomer, but the vet."

Bubbles looks at me, understands a couple of the words I just spoke, and her legs begin to shake.  There is no comforting her now.  Even with my arms around her, she resists my efforts to calm her.  She is an anxiety-ridden mess of a cockapoo.  

Bubbles is now 20 pounds, has a lump on her face, and tarter build-up on her teeth.  A surgery will follow in a couple of months to remove the lump and brush her teefers.  My puppy is an adult dog now with adult issues.  But one thing has stayed.  Through the puppy years and into the adult years:  ANXIETY and FEAR.  

Finally, home.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Bubbles and Blood

 When Bubbles first came to live with us I couldn't get over her perfectness.  After all, I had been through with Gracie growing old and developing so many health issues, I wanted to hold on to this beautifully healthy puppy for as long as possible.  So you can imagine how my heart must have dropped the day I discovered a tick embedded near her ear. 

I guess I freaked a little out.  Well, actually, a lot.  A vet visit was in order, and she was cleared to wear a flea and tick collar at that time.  I'll be honest; I hated to start the cycle of pesticides and any drugs whatsoever on my virgin pup.  But, if I learned one thing from my life with Gracie, it was that fleas could be plucked off - sure - but once a tick told hold of your pup, there was a possibility of lymes disease (which Gracie did get, by the way).  

Bubbles is 2 1/2 now.  Wow!  It seems like she just got here!  As a young adult, Bubbles is experiencing some of the everyday struggles most dogs encounter at one time or another.  

Scratch*Scratch* itchy itchy *Scratch*Scratch.  Allergies or boredom?  Not sure.

She was groomed last week and came home looking beautiful, as always.  But I think the close shave on her face and snout has caused some itching, and so I woke up to a bloody baby a couple mornings ago.  She got okay as the day went forward.  But then yesterday she had it bleeding again.

Tomorrow will be a yearly vet visit and I will have it checked out along with a lump that has shown up on the side of her face by her eye.  I pray it's nothing.  

She's a sweet girl who will not let me out of her sight.  Now that she has been with us for over 2 years, I cannot imagine my life without her.

Monday, January 27, 2025

~ TikTok Made Me Do It ~

 Why have we been absent from Blogger?  Well, we can blame TikTok for that! 

It all started out a few years ago when I downloaded the TikTok app just to see what it was all about.  Before you know it, I was posting videos of my old girl, Gracie.  One morning I woke to find that one of her videos went viral. Well, what more did I need?  TikTok loved Gracie, and I loved sharing her.  So, I shared her life and then, sadly, her death.

I made a lot of friends there.  Many were going through the same - losing a beloved pet and trying to cope.

I thought for sure I would be happy to have my freedom back.  After almost eighteen years of commitment to a dog who had become the center of my life in a way, I was free.  But I was sad.  

Enter Bubbles.  

TikTok still loves Gracie.  But now they love Bubbles too.  And I confess - there are perks.  Lots of them.  Companies are sending me items of interest (dog stuff) for free and all I have to do is share a video of my dog and their merchandise.  That's pretty cool.

But that's not all.

I have become a part of a Creator program where Creators are rewarded an income for their post views.  I am matching my social security with the extra money I am making by simply putting up videos of my dog on TikTok.

With the possibility shortly that there may be an end to TikTok in our USA, I have embraced that fact and well - here I am back on blogger.  I will never be compensated in monetary ways or gifts from dog companies.  But sharing here is something I have always enjoyed and I have missed.  Keep hobbies and keep busy, a voice whispers in my ear.  Maybe it's Gracie.   Love life and make the best of all things.  

Oh, and here is a picture of Bubbles showing off her deluxe bed that was sent to her from Funny Fuzzy.  Isn't she precious?



For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...