Monday, October 10, 2022


When we chose Bubbles for our next pet, it was because of her strong resemblence to Gracie.  As she grows, I see Gracie in her more each day, but then again, I don't see Gracie at all.  

Gracie had longer ears, probably more cocker spaniel than poodle.  But Bubble's color is almost identical to Gracie's.  Bubbles is a bit fluffier and curlier, and a bit smarter than Gracie was too.  Once again, more poodle.  I hope her ears grow longer!  

Gracie was brave and bold, a fighter!  Bubbles is scared of her own shadow.  She must have eyes on me at all times or she whines.  She's such a baby.  

She had her first vet visit last week and she did very well.  I was surprised since every other place we introduce her to, she seems afraid.

Today we took her for a walk on the tracks, like we used to take Gracie.  Finally Bubbles is fitting into a small harness.  Birds chirping, bikes passing by, cars going down the road...  all of these things were scary to her.  We try to introduce her to new stuff almost every day.  It doesn't take too long till she's over her fears, but still.  I don't remember Gracie ever being afraid of such simple things.  

I try not to compare too much ---  but it's hard.  Gracie's absense in my life has left quite a sting. She was my heart dog.  I learned so much from her.

One thing I had to do before moving on to life with Bubbles, is that I needed to share my journaling and thoughts from my time with Gracie.  Writing the book was theraputic.  Formatting the book was a pain, and I never did get it just right.  It will be available soon.  It's just a simple small book, somewhat flawed,  that I needed to write in order to honor the beautiful dog God gave me for almost eighteen years.  

My work in progress:

 I must go now.  Bubbles needs a belly rub...


  1. Bubbles is so cute. And I know her fearfullness will not last for long. When my friend got her new kitten, she was terrified of everything and spent a lot of time backed into a corner. She is now the bravest cat I know, and will stand up to anything.

  2. Bubbles is so cute! It is probably good she and Gracie are alike in looks but not in personalities. Though I know it is hard not to compare the two. I bet as she gets more familiar with everything and everyone she will not be so fearful!




For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...