Friday, November 4, 2022


While we were waiting outside at the vets office yesterday, to be called in, I watched a mom walk out with her little girl.  Mom was carrying a small paper bag.  An all-too-familiar bag. She wore pain on her face.  I watched as she drove away in her SUV, wiping her face with her hand.  I wiped tears of my own.

When I picked up Gracie's ashes there, five months earlier, I wore that same pain.  It's a feeling you never forget.  A sad, sick feeling.  I did not want Gracie to become ashes, yet I had nowhere or no-one to bury her.  I will always be sad about that.  And I will always be sad that she is gone.

But we have Bubbles now.

And she is sweet.  A distraction from that sadness that remains from losing my beautiful Gracie girl. 

Bubbles is 8.2 lb. of happiness.  When she came to us she was 5.5 lb.  She is smart, fluffy, loves to be cuddled, and is a perfect angel.  

Most of the time.

She had the last of her puppy shots yesterday and she was a very good patient.


  1. How wonderful,looks like a perfect match. I am well familiar with the ashes.

  2. I remember when Koda was a puppy and we took him in for his first vet visit, there was a family there with a cat who had gotten the news that the cat had leukemia. I remember their tears when we were there with our happiness. I guess it is the "circle of life" but it is painful and always sad to be on the end of that circle. On the other hand, Bubbles is adorable! Glad she got her last shots so she can start being out and socializing with other dogs if that is your intent :)




For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...