Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 On Monday I loaded Bubbles into her crate and took her to my daughters for a visit with her, the granddaughters, and their dog, Ellie.  She was nervous, to say the least.  We left her there while we did some brief shopping.  My main objective was to get her more socialized, and since she loves them a lot - what better way!

She stayed anxious up until about five minutes before we returned to pick her up - then she started warming up to the idea of being there with them.  

Yesterday I forced her into her crate again and took her two minutes down the road to pick up papers for her training class that will begin on the 23rd of this month.  When we got there, I walked (more like forced) her inside on her leash.  Once inside, she began timidly smelling all the doggie merchandise and her fears eased a bit.  When we got back in the car, she was not happy with being put back inside the crate, however, she settled down and was fine.  I drove around the neighborhood for about ten minutes, trying to get her used to this.  

I believe baby steps into socialization with her will help her be more at ease.  She's a work in progress. 


  1. What an adorable photo! Seems like your plan is going well!

  2. Oh my goodness, she is adorable! Slowly and calmly seems to be the key with training my dogs and of course repetition!

  3. Baby steps are good. I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is babying their pups. Exposing her to the crate and making her use it is good for you and her. Our Dakota actually liked her crate as it was her 'safe place' and she was quite content in there.



For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...