Thursday, February 16, 2023


I love looking back on my blogs and reading about all the adventures we went on in the past.  Our biggest adventure these days is walking Bubbles around the back yard.  We are trying to fix her fears by short trips to stores and pet stores where she is forced to be around noise, people, and other dogs.  


On Monday she will graduate from a five-week puppy training class which has helped her a lot in socialization.  She now sees the other dogs there as her friends and it's cute how they touch noses when they are around one another.  But outside of class, her fears return.  

On Monday, during class, she was distracted by a man trimming a tree in the lot next door.  It didn't go well that day.  

"I was ascared!"

 Still, we keep trying.


  1. Well, every dog has it's own personality. And I do think it is better to be shy and a bit scared then be aggressive! You are doing good, but she may always retain a bit of this.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Ginny. One of my biggest problems with her is her separation anxiety. She cries the entire time we are in church, or go anywhere at all. We never leave her alone for more than a couple hours, and rarely that long.

  2. I think patience, repetition, and tons of love will eventually pay off. Bubbles is an adorable puppy and as Ginny said, she has her own personality. Do you know if anything happened to her to make her so fearful? I think you got her very young, so I imagine it's not that.

    1. Nothing that I know of would have happened to her. But she was very fearful of sounds, and especially barking dogs, when she came to us. She was born and kept in an outside kennel.



For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...