Saturday, February 24, 2024


 I've been neglecting my blog lately.  Not on purpose, but it seems being retired leads to a much busier life than working.  

Okay, enough about me.  What about my new dog?

Bubbles will turn two years old in July.  That is hard to even say.  Two years old!!  Wow!  It seems as though we just brought her home.  

She has had some health issues, but I am hoping most of the more serious times are behind us for a while.  It's nice having a dog in the house again.  When you become a senior citizen and your kids and grandkids are growing into their own little lives, spoiling the dog is a great way to enjoy your days.

I keep saying I would love to get back into blogging - and I mean to - however, time just seems to slip away.  I'm doing a few things now that are time-consuming.  Ensuring my dog gets attention, care and exercise.  Ensuring my husband gets time, care, and ... well... he takes care of his own exercise. LOL!  Church, worship services, and Bible studies.  Writing another book.  Helping a friend who I met on TikTok to write her life story. Making TikTok videos and making actual money doing it!!  Yes, I kid you not, I am getting paid to do what I love to do.  I guess I am a content creator!!  Yay, me!  

So yea.  I'm busier than ever, and life is winding down.  I will turn sixty-nine this April.  My mom was sixty-nine when she passed away.  My dad was fifty-three when he left this world.  How much longer can I have?  

But here I am - making the best of God's time and enjoying and loving the blessings He has bestowed upon me.  I am truly grateful and absolutely unworthy.  But that's my God!

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For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...