Friday, April 5, 2024

No Rain, Please and Thank You

 A year and a half after bringing our bubbly bundle of joy home with us, I can report that her favorite pastime is TENNIS COURT PLAY.  Sadly though, the weather has not permitted this fun for almost a week now. 

Yesterday we tried!  After lunch, I harnessed her up and we ran to the car and headed to the courts.  If we could get five minutes in of our usual half hour there, it would possibly help her see there is light at the end of the tunnel.

She pulled me up over the hill, crying - yipping- lunging, and eager to get in there and start chasing balls.  She was out of control, to put it mildly.  


Shut the gate.

Throw the ball.  

Run, Bubbles, Run!!!!  

And then, the heavens opened and began pelting us first with rain - then sleet - and then the winds came.  I leashed her up and we hurried to the car for cover.  


Rain, Rain, Go Away

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