Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Bubbles Lament

It all started out like this.  Summer.  Not the girl Summer, but the season of summer.  

Mom and dad got in this thing they called a pool, and since I did not want to be sitting on the deck alone, I followed.  That's a lot of water!  

They thought it was cute how I jumped off the raft and swam over to be with Mom.  But really, it was me, clinging to my lifeline aka Mom.  I had to be with her and the only way was to swim over to her.

  So yea.  There I was swimming like a pro when BAM ~ ear infection ~ and doc said no more swimming for 2 weeks.  Oh shucks.  I was just getting the hang of it.  The 2 weeks were almost over when another BAM ~ heat ~ and so there I was, wearing a diaper and watching them swim from the bedroom window.  

Poor me.  

Mom said as soon as it warms up outside I will be back in the water with them.  She also says next month I will go in for surgery.

What's surgery?


  1. So glad you love the pool. Our Pepper was just learning to love the pool we had in Winter Haven. And what a swimmer she was. Then we moved. No more pool. :(



For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...