Monday, August 14, 2023

~ OUCH ~

 Can we talk for just a moment about aches and pains?  When I turned 60 my body began the journey of decline in a much bigger way than before.  My back would go out from simply putting a dish away in the cupboard or I'd be up all night with indigestion from eating a slice of pizza past 6 PM.  It's been a spiral downward since then (turning the big 6-0).  Side note: I am now 68.

Hypertension, high cholesterol, yada-yada.  The list goes on and on.

I believe my foot problem started when I was catering to Gracie in  her old age.  She would sleep at my feet and sometimes sprawl out taking 1/2 to 3/4 of my sleeping space, and I would often find myself balled up in the fetal position at the top of the bed.  Now for some reason unbeknownst to me, my right foot/ toe/ ankle becomes so painful (usually upon getting out of bed in the morning) and I can barely put weight on it.  This all started with my sleeping arrangement with Gracie.  This pain will stay with me for sometimes days and then just like magic, it disappears for several days.  When it returns, it does so with a vengeance.  I've had X-ray showing nothing.  Been to a podiatrist with no real answers.  I have an appointment with a different podiatrist next month and am hoping for something.  Who would've thought a simple foot pain could limit life so drastically?!  But.  It does.  

I have been hesitant (for the above reason) to welcome Bubbles into our bed to sleep with us at night.  She still sleeps in her 'Bubble area' and is a perfect angel about it, most of the time.  After our final goodnight she will cry.  I go to her, remove her from her place of sleep, rock her in my rocker recliner for about a minute while she cuddles up to me and I whisper sweet goodnights in her ear, and then I place her back in there and she willingly goes to her bed to sleep.  

Sorry, I'm trying to keep my posts short and photos at a minimum.  I just wanted to whine a bit about my foot.  

My sweet Gracie, girl.  Always - my heart cries for you
to be laying once again at the foot of my bed.   You will
be forever loved.  Forever missed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi ... welcome to "our world" ~ pet blogging, all about kitties, about dogs ... about we who love them! (and I complain about feet/ankles and knees, too!) And thanks for visiting us, hope to see you again,
    Ann & JUNE



For over two years, Bubbles has slept in a 'cage' at night.  It's like a deluxe penthouse suite with water, food, a luxurious be...