Friday, May 24, 2024


 Retirement is exhausting!  Ok.  It's my fault I am so busy, but still.  Today and tomorrow are planned yard sales.  Morning #1 is finished, now there is tomorrow.  I only do yard sales for three hours in the morning.  It's all I can handle.  Ugh.

First, though, we took Bubbles to an early morning exercise at the tennis courts.  EIGHT O'CLOCK IS TOO EARLY FOR SUCH NONSENSE!  And can you believe, there were actual people playing tennis on one of the courts?  Seriously?  

We went to the top court and Bubbles got her exercise before the rains came.  When the rain started - we were out of there.  Besides, I had to get home before nine since my yard sale was scheduled to start at nine.  The rain stopped shortly after we got home.  I managed to jump in the shower, throw on some makeup, and dry and style my hair before opening the garage door and pulling out all my stuff for the yard sale.  What a busy morning!  Oh, and did I mention Bubbles got sick and threw up 2X so I had to clean that up.  Too much excitement too early in the morning?  Possibly.  She's been resting since I closed up shop at noon.


It's hot. Husband almost has the pool opened. The water temps will not be comfortable for a week or so yet though.

Monday is Memorial Day.  Already though?  Boy, time flies.  I better get to the cemetery and put new flowers on Mom and Dad's graves.

Mom, Dad, and me.  Memorial Day 2023

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


I have been especially intrigued for the past several years by the changes in all things.  Truly, there is something mysterious happening.  It began in the year 2020, and most will agree that is when the bottom fell out of the comfortable life we once lived.  As a prelude to that year, I had a dream that I later looked back on (yes, I keep a dream journal), and concluded that God was certainly giving me a sneak peek into future events.  

So here we are in 2024 and I'll be honest - I see the world as a messed-up place.  I won't make this political.  There are too many disrespectful fanatics quick to either judge others or post their opinions and thoughts despite who it may hurt.  I'm seeing it all around me.  Families that split up and never speak to one another again because of their desire to be 'right' or 'heard' or 'seen'...  God help us.  

There's little humility.  Almost zero tolerance if one believes differently than another.  It's a sad world we live in.  I think you know what I'm talking about.

With the above being said, I can report that speaking for myself, I am in a good place.  Of course, there's a lot I would change if I could.  About people, places, and things.  But so much is out of my control. It's not good to attempt to hijack a situation and force that situation to be your will.  God's will prevails in the end, and God's will is in our best interest.  

So, stay humble. Replace self-satisfaction with the satisfaction of being able to help another.  And if you fail at life - regroup - and this time do it right.  

God's way is always in our best interest.  

I'm sad for the ugliness of the world.  But, I am grateful for a God who has not given up on us.    

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 It has been a while.  Well, life has been busy.  I used to hear two sides to the story of retirement.  One was boredom.  The other was being so much busier than before retirement.  I will stand on the latter.  

There are kids and grandkids, all who have grown into extracurricular activities and so on...  so, yeah.  There's that.

Also, I've become a digital creator on TikTok which, surprisingly has grown into an extra income for me.  Being retired and with a fixed income - it's welcoming to see supplemental dollars being added to my bank account for doing something I love to do (creating videos). I honestly had no clue you could earn money from posting online.  My topic is, you guessed it, my dogs.  

Old age has set in and at 69, if I wake in the morning without something hurting - then for a moment I may think - am I dead?  Ha!

I need to get back into blogging, because oh, how I miss this.  Connecting with my blogger friends and seeing what you all have been up to.  I'm hoping life slows soon, and I can come here more frequently.  Because I love blogging.

Now I need to go check in on some of you to see what you've been up to.  God bless, and I hope your doing well.



 Last week, we celebrated two years with Bubbles.  Her Gotcha Day was September 19, 2022.  I can't believe she has been with us for that...